
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Into the Woods

The thing about autumn is that the colours are just beautiful. I'm lucky enough to have such beautiful forest around my house. I was able to get my lovely sister, Meg, to model for me. I styled the outfit and into the woods we went! A great fall look to fully embrace the season!

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Friday 23 October 2015

Autumn Lip Obsession

Hello everyone! It's been literally ages since I've last made a blog post. There's been a lot going on. I traveled during the summer and have been attempting to cut down my time on the computer. Now it's autumn, getting close to Halloween (one of my favourite times of the year) and the days are getting colder. That being said, my desire for lip colours has been changing as well. In spring and summer I'm all got those vibrant pinks and corals, but now that autumn is here I'm in love with the reds and browns! Which is why I'm going to talk to you about these lovely little gems that I found at The Face Shop called the Ink Lipquids!

Sunday 12 July 2015

The Bela Bandits

So it's been a terribly long time since I've last updated my blog. To be honest, it kept crossing my mind that I should update, but I just wasn't really in the mood. But, what with the weather being nice and my accumulating collection of cosmetics, I'm probably going to try to update more regularly again. Anyway, last night I had the pleasure of seeing my friends' band play for the first time, so here are some of the shots. I apparently got a TON that I really like, so look forward to some more soon!

Monday 25 May 2015

Refreshing My Makeup

When I was in high school, makeup was something that was very important to me. I used to play around with it a lot and experiment. However, I always stayed away from two things: bronzer and blushers. Why? Because I was into looking super pale and have a natural blush that I try to hide. Then when university arrived I opted for much more simple, practical looks because I just didn't have the time or interest to do my makeup. That said, as I'm growing older I'm wanting to get back into doing my makeup and want to experiment a bit with different things (thanks youtube gurus). So, this week I'll just chat about a few products I'd really love to try.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Location Hunt

Photography is one of my true passions in life. It's like a best friend that, while you don't always meet one another, when you do you're able to pick up right where you left off. Photography is comforting to me and it's fun and it allows me to not only express myself but also meet new people and allows me the freedom to explore. The most important thing that I do when planning a shoot? Find a place that inspires me to actually get out there and take photos! 

I do a lot of my shooting outdoors, because it allows me to play around with my camera settings. So the first place I go when I have an idea is to the areas surrounding me! I'm blessed to live in a rural area, where there are tons of cool spots to explore to make an idea come alive! For the past few months, I've had an idea in my head. However, when there was snow on the ground I wasn't able to bring it to life. Now that it's all gone, I'm excited to say that I was able to go on an 'adventure' of sorts and take some photos of spots I might like to use in my photoshoot! So I hope you'll all enjoy the photos and look forward to when I make this shoot come to life!

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Sparkling Lips

Dry lips are perhaps the biggest pain, especially when you wear makeup. Nobody wants their lips to feel dry and cracked, especially when putting on lipsticks. Back in February I picked up a lip scrub from LUSH and a lip mask from The Face Shop (I think I bought that in December, actually). I finally got around to using the mask, so there's no better time than now to let you guys know what I think!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Spring Cleaning

 Now, when I say spring cleaning I'm not talking about cleaning my house! Although, I have done a clean up of my bedroom (and am planning to clean further), I'm more so talking about a cleaning of my body. Most often called a "Detox" as we all know it, but I'm more fond of calling it a "clean up". So, how am I doing this? With Infused waters! Let me tell you why I love them.

Monday 13 April 2015

Welcoming Spring

It's been an incredibly long time since I last made a post, unfortunately. However, now that spring is here and I'm finishing up school, I'm hoping to have more time for blogging, as well as taking photos in general! So, to welcome in spring (which may very well be my favourite season- next to autumn, of course), I've made a few new purchases. However, first I want to introduce you all to some products that I received just after Christmas, and then I'll talk about my new favourite little gem!

Thursday 19 February 2015

Sakura Creamy by Palty

So I've been thinking about adding a pink tone to my hair for a while now... after going to the T&T store yesterday, I bought Palty hair dye on a whim and just decided to dive right in. With a week off, what's the harm right? The colour can easily be faded quickly with a ton of hair washing. Anyway, I've decided to do a review for those interested in this bran.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Grids Everywhere!

It's been ages since I've last updated. Getting back into school has been extremely busy, and I kept thinking about posting, but with a flow of never ending work, blogging seemed to be put on the back burner. However, I have returned to the keyboard with a fresh mind! In the time I haven't been posting, I've had the time to buy some lovely products and find some things on the internet that I am obsessed with! As of lately, my latest obsession is... Grid print clothing!

Monday 5 January 2015

Pink Powder Mask

After the holidays, my skin is always suffering from the sweets and the delicious (but not at all good for you) foods. What with chocolates, fatty and greasy foods, my skin often pays the price. The result? Blemished skin. I finally was able to head over to The Face Shop to pick up the Lovely Me:Ex Magic Pink Powder mask. I've been looking at it for the past month, and finally picked it up! A little late Christmas present to myself!