
Thursday, 19 February 2015

Sakura Creamy by Palty

So I've been thinking about adding a pink tone to my hair for a while now... after going to the T&T store yesterday, I bought Palty hair dye on a whim and just decided to dive right in. With a week off, what's the harm right? The colour can easily be faded quickly with a ton of hair washing. Anyway, I've decided to do a review for those interested in this bran.

So basically, these are the results. The roots are super pink in some places, and the rest of my hair is just a darker caramel colour. It was just beige blonde before I started. I highly recommend that you use this dye if you have virgin hair. That means that you have never dyed it. Also, if you have darker hair, I think the colour will me more attractive. I'm a dark blonde, thus my roots were a dark blonde. Since it's a Japanese brand of dye, it's meant for darker hair. I left the dye in for 15 minutes and this was the result.

Overall, I'm a fan of the colour. As for the product itself, the comb applicator was pretty cool, although not entirely effective because the dye kept clogging and squirting everywhere. Also, it said that one box should be enough, but we were kind of running out of dye, which is super unfortunate. So my dye isn't entirely even due to the false packaging.

The dye is pretty much odorless, but it burns a lot. I dye my hair once or twice a year, and I've only experienced that kind of a burn one time, but thankfully I don't have any burns on my scalp. As far as the dye goes, it took well to my hair. My only complaint is that some of my hair actually smells like it's been burnt, which I've never experienced. The odor afterwards is really unpleasant.

However, as far as dyes are concerned, I think it's not that bad. If I was rating it out of five stars, I'd give it a three. I'd just recommend buying two bottles and adjusting the processing times depending on how light or dark your hair is.

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