
Thursday, 19 February 2015

Sakura Creamy by Palty

So I've been thinking about adding a pink tone to my hair for a while now... after going to the T&T store yesterday, I bought Palty hair dye on a whim and just decided to dive right in. With a week off, what's the harm right? The colour can easily be faded quickly with a ton of hair washing. Anyway, I've decided to do a review for those interested in this bran.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Grids Everywhere!

It's been ages since I've last updated. Getting back into school has been extremely busy, and I kept thinking about posting, but with a flow of never ending work, blogging seemed to be put on the back burner. However, I have returned to the keyboard with a fresh mind! In the time I haven't been posting, I've had the time to buy some lovely products and find some things on the internet that I am obsessed with! As of lately, my latest obsession is... Grid print clothing!